"Horn OK Please", Mumbai, IndiaIt's amazing how there is organization in something seemingly chaotic to an outsider. The noise, the crowds, the clutter... It's got its own character, thats for sure!
Last night, as I was heading home from a stressful day at work I came up with an idea. People who have worked in India for a month or so must have a high tolerance for stress. *Just a thought*
You see, I planned to take a nap on the way home to re-energize before finishing up some work in the hotel. But WOW, there was definitely no sleeping for me! My driver drove like he was being chased by a dragon along a slippery and deadly slope! He swerved left and right and jumped through potholes! He sped right behind trucks just to come to an abrupt stop 2 inches away from the bumper! A few times, I actually thought he ran through some people! I was almost relieved when I reached over for the seat belt only to find out that it didn't have a buckle! Something so normal to a local felt like a near death experience to me!
Typical Indian Auto Then there are the obstacles. Tons of motorcycles popping out of nowhere, unsuspected items on the road -- like fences, or holes, or people, or cows! You've got the autos and buses overflowing with people, crossroads with no stoplights... What a ride!
Cows on the road!On top of this, every 2 seconds he would honk his horn as if there were some emergency. It was completely normal, and even encouraged! Most trucks have a sign painted in their rear saying "Horn OK Please" (as it is in Mumbai) or "Sound Horn" (as it is in Kerala). I could not understand why at first... but I think I get it now. It's sort of a way you to tell the other vehicles that you are there. I think drivers rely on the horns over thier side mirrors. In a crazy way, it works. To me though, it will take a long long time to get used to.
"Sound Horn" at Fort Cochin, Kerala
Now I understand foreigners freak out with Manila's drivers! This though, is a whole other level.