Besides the 360 degrees survelience cameras and lurking sea creature, in some way I am going to miss Hotel Hatchobori.
3 Things I miss about Hotel Hatchobori:
2. The new office is Toyocho looks exactly like how I imagined a Japan office to look like. Dull with white kitchen lights and stiff. Its far from comfortable, and it makes an already long day seem WAY TOO LONG. Well, at least you no longer have to take off your shoes!
3. Smoking is such a part of Japan culture, especially the to the working class! Every hour or so, our team goes for what we call "KEWKEI" or break time. When we used to work in Hatchobori, we'd go downstairs to the open air smoking area. It was a good opportunity to step out and get some air, even if you didnt smoke. Now at Toyocho, the smoking area is in an enclosed killer box - the CANCER CAGE (see picture)! You go in there, you go out smelling like you just survived a burning building! NG.
In tribute to Hotel Hatchobori... here's a song my officemates put together...
Hotel Hatchobori
Aaron Moore with thanks to Adam Mcguiness
Sing to the Eagles, Hotel California
On a dark Tokyo Subway
Warm small of the Mochi, risin up through the air
Up ahead in the distance I saw a Dennys sign
My nerdsack grew heavy, and my sight grew dim
I had to work for the day
There she stood in the doorway, I heard the tofu man
Then I was thinking to myself, they could be real or they could be fake
Then I took off my shoes, and showed me the working room
There were voices down the corridor….
Thought I heard them say……
Welcome to the Hotel Hatchobori
Such a horrible place
Such a boring place
Plenty of lectures at the Hotel Hatchobori
Any time of year
Any time of year
Get your lectures here
Her mind is sadistically twisted, she got the sensei wagon
She got a lot of pretty pretty girls she calls we call tea ladies
How the meet in Cronos
Some lecture to remember, some lecture to forget…
How they meet in the 6th floor, some day to remember
Some day to forget
So I called up Mooraka-san, please bring me my meji
She said we haven’t had that chocolate here, since Myron arrived
And still those voices are calling from faaaarrr awayyyy
Wake you up in the middle of the night…..
Just to hear them sayyy
Welcome to the Hotel Hatchobori
Such a horrible place
Such a horrible place
Such a nice spread sheet
Theyre living it up at the Hotel Hatchobori
What a dread surprise
What a dread surprise
Takashita-san bring your alibis……
Cameras on the ceiling, refreshmento at 3
And she said, you lack fundmental understanding, your not as smart as me
And in the sea creatures lair
They are all afraid of the beast
They stab it with their steely emails
Last thing I remember, I was running for the door, had to catch the7:30 flight, back to the place I was before…..Relax said Kogoe-san…..we are programmed to Receive…
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