Friday, September 19, 2014

BE STILL 2: We're having a boy!

The Lord has answered many of my prayers in the past but this is the first time I knew with 100% certainty that the Lord answered my request before actual confirmation. 

During my New Year fasting, my number 1 prayer request was for a healthy baby boy. I was going through my fasting diary and came across this entry:

A few days later, the most amazing thing happened during my morning fasting time. I know this may sound a bit strange (and maybe even TMI for some) but I decided to share it anyway as testimony to how the Lord answers prayers.

That fine day, I felt the Lord impose in my heart that today was the day to conceive. I remember reasoning with the Lord telling Him I was tired and busy. "Maybe another day Lord?" "Maybe this isnt the Lord speaking, maybe its just my imagination?" But fasting haa a way of making me more open to listen. I was convicted to do my part. I have asked through prayer. He is ready and willing to answer, but I must obey whether I feel like it or not.

Food for thought: We ask the Lord for many things but how often do we do our part in His answered prayer? Prayer comes hand in hand with faith. We pray and we leap together with God as He answers our prayer. We obey regardless of whether we feel like obeying or not. Sometimes, prayers go unanswered not because God is not listening, but because we insist on getting what we want our way instead of His.

That day I knew with certainty that we were having a baby boy. 

True enough, a few weeks later we tested  positive and a few months later it was confirmed we were having a boy!

This baby boy, ourlittleedamame, will prove to be our faith baby with the Lord answering one prayer after another.

Friday, September 12, 2014

BE STILL 1: Preparing my heart for things to come.

Early this year I participated in our yearly fasting. It was one of my most intimate times with the Lord and a true faith building time. The Lord imposed a verse in my heart that moved me. "Be still and know that I am God." (Ps. 46:10) 

Picture from:

I felt God speaking in my life reminding me to trust him with my time, my schedule and my priorities. Being genetically inclined to be a career woman, I have this tendency to want to do everything and do it perfectly. During that time, I had a toddler who just turned 2, I was back in school and my photography business was picking up. Trying to do it all often resulted in a tired Mommy and inattentive wife. It became hard to see the fun and joy of our growing family amidst all the to dos, deadlines and lack of rest. 

The Lord reminded me to be still, take my time and rearrange my priorities. He is in charge of everything - including my time. I am in charge of obeying and remaining faithful...

Little did I know that this was just the beginning. The Lord was preparing my heart, my priorities and my outlook in life for bigger, better things. Much more was to come for 2014 💗
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